Mezzotint portrait of Henry Danvers Earl of Danby by Valentine Green after Van Dyke. Mezzotint on paper without title, 1775. The Earl of Danby stands full-length to left beside small, draped table, head in three-quarter profile, eyes to front, wearing satin robes and cloak, ruff, sash and sword, curtain behind at right.
A very clean and rich impression which ready to hang and enjoy behind art glass to aid viewing and preservation and in a quality antique style frame
Valentine Green (1739 -1813). Mezzotinter; Associate Royal Academician and publisher (usually of his own prints), in later years in association with his son Rupert. 1773 appointed mezzotint engraver to George III; 1774 member of Royal Academy; 1775 appointed mezzotint engraver to Karl Theodor, Elector Palatine; 1789 work on Düsseldorf Gallery. Bankrupt 1799.
Exhibited from 1766 to 1772 in London at the Incorporated Society of Artists and from 1774 to 1806 at the Royal Academy of Arts.
Anthony van Dyke (1599-1641) After the painting by Anthony van Dyck, formerly at Houghton Hall, now in the Hermitage, St Petersburg (showing the Earl full-length), inv.no.GE545; see N. Gritsay, in 'Houghton Revisited: the Walpole masterpieces from Catherine the Great's Hermitage', exh.cat. Houghton Hall in King's Lynn (Norfolk), London, 2013, cat.no.22. A.
Sheet: 44 x 30 cm. Framed: 61 x 47cm. Executed: 1775.
Price: £420
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